Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bring on the heat

So the mercury is up and heat has officialy arrived in Tomsk.  Its kind of a funny situation because supposedly the heat only lasts for two to three weeks before it starts cooling down again.  Hopefully it will start cooling down soon because I just cannot function in these high temperatures.  So to keep on updating you on what has been happening in the last couple of weeks.  Well lots in a way and then from another perspective it is really a predictable schedule, sort of monotone if you will.  The gist of the situation is that throughout most of the day I am at the University taking classes on Russian this or that.  Later there is usually some movie or event that I often times just feel like going to or I just sleep through.  Although some of the lectures have been somewhat mind stimulating.  Basically my social life revolves around drinking vodka with Russians that I met through the shul or my choziajka.  Usually its a fun time but lets be honest my liver is going to hate me soon.  Cirrhosis? Liver Cancer? Alcoholism?  I don't know all seem like potential conseuquences of this Russian summer.  But I have been able to meet some really interesting people, so I feel that has been the defining moment of this summer.  People here are generally interested in making new friends, so I feel this is a much easier task than in the good ole US of A.  I have sent out a second update email to friends and family, and I think I will be posting that soon because it has some interesting points about some Russian subtlties.  Someone asked me today whether I liked Russia.  The more thought I gave to the question, the more I realized that I cannot really answer that questiion.  Suppose the best answer would be this perplexing love-hate relationship.  ALthough I am convinced this question should best be left for when I am back in Ann Arbor.  

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