Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shabbos in Krakow - Despair

This experience oddly enough will need not one but two entries. Why you might be curious. Well i had two feelings that conflicted throughout my first Shabbat in Poland. The first was of a sort of despair, anger, and disillusionment. We knew that Shabbat evening we would be eating with the small community and the Shavei Israel Rabbi, Boaz Pash and the following morning we would be eating by the Chabad shaliach. Turns out that the Rebbe changed his mind about sending shluchim to Poland. Friday night davening proved to be a powerful experience for me. The chazzan, a 92 year old Krakowian Jew and as you guessed Holocaust survivor led the kehilla in what almost seemed as anachronistic tunes of pre-War Kazimierz. Appearantly he is the Baal tefilla whenever he manages to make it to shul, which from my understaning is almost every Shabbat. The overall mood at least initially was that of despair. Small community with few prospects. Yes there is a full time Rabbi working there and yes Prince Charles opened a fancy JCC and yes there even is a Chabad family there-- but for what? The community officialy has 200 members. The Rabbi reckons there many more Jews than that, yet, they all seem to be hidding.

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